15 Oct, 2023

Event with Volunteer Society

The charity still continues!
As part of the voluntary social project, we noticed that volunteering helps foreigners to adapt faster, learn a new culture and create connections with their new place of residence.
Volunteering allows foreigners to better understand the local culture, learn new customs and interact with local people.
Volunteer work provides an opportunity to improve language skills by learning the local language in everyday situations.
In addition, it helps foreigners make new friends and make contacts with locals and other volunteers.
All in all, volunteering allows them to contribute to their new community and feel useful.
A thousand thanks to those who have participated in this project and helped people.
Let’s keep going and make the world a better place.
Photos: Priit Grepp

  • Time:

    12:00 to 16:00

  • Date:

    15 Oct, 2023

  • Category:


  • Location:
